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“Parisian Sky” In the apartment of Léo Domboy, press agent, DA and programmer.

“Parisian Sky” In the apartment of Léo Domboy, press agent, DA and programmer.

Sparkling, surprising and deliciously exuberant. That’s how to describe Léo Domboy, although you’ll have to meet her “in real life” to get an idea of this good-humored bomb. As for her interior, it’s as striking as she is, of course. But as nothing can replace his exceptional verve, we let you discover them both “in the text”.

Nesty Living

At Nesty Living, we always start by asking a few slightly indiscreet questions of our interviewers… Leo, you won’t escape the rule!

Léo Domboy

I am 39 years old, I am a press agent, artistic director and programmer for television and shows, specializing in humor. I worked for a long time in television. For the last six years, I’ve been working mainly with comedians, because I love this wonderful profession. I am so admiring, there is nothing more beautiful in life! I have the chance to work with fantastic artists, whose personality and art I love, like Thomas VDB, Aymerick Lompret, Guy Carlier, Eric and Quentin… They are all my cuddly toys!

“When I go out on my patio and have this 180-degree view of the capital, I feel like Batman!”


Tell us about your home: what is it like?


It’s very special because my apartment is also my office. As I work a lot, I have reduced my commuting time to a minimum. So with my assistant Léna, who is a bit my left hemisphere, we need to feel good. I made it a very bright little cocoon, with my dogs, my plants, a lot of velvet for a touch of softness, and an office facing my large bay windows overlooking the whole of Paris. Oh yes, I should mention that I have an incredible view because I live on the fourteenth floor… You can see the Eiffel Tower on the same level, I have no opposite. When I go out on my terrace and I have this 180° view of the capital, I feel like Batman! During the lockdown, it was incredible, the seagulls would come and land next to me. I love this very clear view. The “pass me the salt” atmosphere with the neighbors, very little for me! We never get tired of this view, the scenery changes according to the light and the time. And to go with the Paris sky, I painted the walls in several shades of blue.


Why did you choose to live in the 15th district of Paris?


So how can I put it… Actually, I didn’t choose it. Nobody chooses the 15th, it’s a mistake! I used to live in Boulogne, because I worked at Canal +. Very practical, I could even pee at home! But I had to move closer to the center of Paris, to be near the theaters. I work so much that it was my mom who helped me find an apartment. One day, I was at a comedy performance in Cannes and she sent me a picture of this crazy view, saying: – “Look, I found this, you take it?”. I was in the middle of an interview. I answered – “Banco”. Actually, I didn’t even really believe it, I thought it was a joke. But no, it was absolutely true, except that it was in the 15th. If you like boredom, it’s perfect! (laughs). Well, the advantage is that I can eat crepes and wait for my artists on the platform of the Montparnasse train station when they play Fort Boyard! I would like to move to the right bank, why not to the Marais, where most of my friends have been living for the last year… But when you have a view like mine, it’s hard to find a better place! Imagine, the Eiffel Tower sparkles in my living room…

“If I tell you it took me 25 years to find this apartment, would you believe me?”


Do you remember how you felt the first time you visited your home?


At first, I was sulking! I don’t know anything or anyone in this neighborhood, I don’t have a friend! But the moment I opened the door, I discovered this empty apartment, with a crazy view, an incredible light. It’s like a huge painting of the Paris sky…I told myself that I was going to make it a real cocoon.


How long did it take you to find your property?


If I tell you 25 years, do you believe me? It’s a funny story, I’ll tell you. A friend of my mom’s had owned an apartment in this building for 25 years. Well, that’s how long my mom has been watching the sales in this 17-story building built in the 70s! She used to tell her friend: “Give your janitor a gift, so that you’ll know the day a property becomes available! To tell you the truth, here the apartments don’t even have time to be in a real estate agency… It’s only word of mouth. The owners cling to it tooth and nail, even if they regularly receive proposals! But finally, an owner wanted to sell her 3-room apartment. My mother knew about it and I told her: “shotgun!”.


What is your favorite piece? Why do you like it?


My bed! I am a true “in my bed” person. I work so much that cuddling with my dogs in my bed is life. Otherwise, I’d say my office, next to my Lena, facing THE view, working. It would be absolutely perfect if we didn’t have the sounds of the drill. What the hell is this guy digging?


How does your interior reflect your personality?


Wait, I have to ask Lena, this is not an obvious question! So: “organized, rigorous, super tidy, clean and artistic”. Oh yes, it’s true that I put up some nice pictures of the theater and my artists. But the decor is pretty bare bones because this view is enough for me. I have my plants, which are my babies, like my dogs. Right now, my neighbor is babysitting my laurels and orange trees, and I’m stressed! And maybe my love of humor is reflected in my collection of figurines with huge heads. I have about a hundred of them, in the effigy of characters from TV shows and movies: the Adams family, Hannibal Lecter, Sailor Moon…


Do you regularly upgrade your interior?


All the time, it’s terrible. I can paint a piece of wall blue like that, on a whim. Then search for mirrors for weeks to get the one I really want. Or snoop around looking for a wall sconce for 3 months. Besides, I think there’s a niche to be filled in this area, because either it’s ugly or very expensive, a sconce, have you noticed? Very annoying. I can sell my chairs in the blink of an eye to buy the same ones in another color three days later… Sometimes I have a fixed idea for several days. During the lockdown, I decided just like that to repaint my kitchen in white and petroleum blue. I dressed it up with old chrome shell handles, I love it.


Has confinement changed the way you view your living space?


No, because I have been teleworking for 6 years now. So I’ve been aware for a long time of the importance of feeling good in my home. I learned very quickly how to organize a workplace, not to feel guilty about working on my sofa or washing a piece of wall to pass my nerves in the middle of the day! I spend my life on Pinterest, or watching videos from that storage genius, Marie Kondo, to sort through my stuff. We accumulate so much stuff that I’m the pro now of: if I buy something new, I give one away that I own. In fact, it’s a bit of an AirBnB for me… You don’t need much to be happy :-).

  • What is your dream property? A top floor roof-top in the marsh with a large terrace. And a large bathtub.
  • Which city has seduced you the most architecturally and why? Rome. Drinking a coffee in 2021, feeling like you’re in a Fellini movie? It’s beautiful and very authentic.
  • What advice would you give to someone looking for a property? Choose the right neighborhood! And be careful with the noise… I’m not a normal Parisian, I need silence terribly (laughs)!